

The first series of fourteen variety programs called "Ça, c'est la vie" have been very much appreciated by television viewers in many African countries. These programs have been broadcast during "prime-time" in eight French-speaking African countries."Ça, c'est la vie" is educational and gives a holistic answer to development related and contemporary questions in African society.

Six programs on the prevention of AIDS and care for people living with HIV (PLwHIV) were subsequently produced. This series, called "Bon-thé" (goodness/good tea) deals with AIDS and sexuality issues. It includes discussions over a cup of tea, there is an interview with an expert and the presentation of a "best practice".

We have produced many gender-programs on topics such as gender mutilation, forced marriage, relationship and communication in marriage, children's (sexual) education, the importance of schooling for girls and six programs on AIDS prevention, HIV-test and stigmatisation, compassion for PLwHIV.

A team of young dynamic and enthusiastic women took part in the discussions and the interviews. Several experts from various organisations contributed by giving advice during these panel discussions.


On August 3rd 1998, Tele-Vie-Deo was recognised by the government of Burkina Faso as an independent association number; 98-268/MA-TS/SG/DGAT/DL-PAJ.

In 2001 the government of Burkina Faso recognised Tele-Vie-Deo as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO).

The board of directors of Tele-Vie-Deo is responsible for the overall strategy and vision. The daily ministry is executed by the Executive Secretary and the other full-time staff-members.


The budget can be subdivided into the following categories.

Salaries, general studio expenses like electricity, telephone, transport, maintenance and the investments in studio equipment and building.

Funds are generated by executing works of co-production with or for third parties.