

Tele-Vie-Deo has a training-course in journalistic and audio-visual abilities. Seminars are being held twice a year.

The training program in audio-visual skills, will be expanded, in order to improve the professional capabilities of the team.

Producers, from other organisations, are also benefiting from these basic courses in camera use, editing and script writing. In addition, requests have been received from churches in neighbouring French speaking countries, asking if their producers can be trained at Tele-Vie-Deo.

The training is directed towards future producers, webmasters, camera- men, light and audio technicians in West-Africa. Seminars will be organised more frequently. The following subjects are covered: journalism, research, data collection, interview techniques, human rights, management and publicity.

The training of trainers in journalistic and audio visual skills is essential for the reinforcement of the 'local capacity' of Tele-Vie-Deo and other organisations, involved in the production and distribution of educational and awareness TV-programs for French speaking Africa.

An experienced producer is often directing the training program.

The specific training sessions are needed to ensure the professionalism of the staff members and to ensure the improvement of the quality of the productions.